If you should ever get into a car accident in Kansas, do you know what to do? If unprepared, many people begin to panic and can inadvertently make huge mistakes. To help you prepare for this type of scenario, our firm offers some tips that can keep you in control and limit your liability.
The first and most important thing you should do after a collision is to stop and render aid to all that are involved. Check yourself, your passengers, and anyone in the other involved vehicles. If anyone is hurt, call an ambulance immediately. If anyone appears to have suffered a serious injury, do not attempt to move them unless you have sufficient medical training.
Moving an injured person can potentially worsen their condition, as is the case with spinal cord injuries. It is always best to proceed with caution and leave treatment to medical professionals. Do not, under any circumstances, leave the scene of an accident before it is deemed appropriate to do so by law enforcement. If you flee without rendering aid, you can be charged with a hit and run and expose yourself to serious legal consequences.
Once you have called for medical help, calling the police is the next step. Law enforcement officials can help you stabilize the scene, move your vehicles to a safe location if possible, and create a police report of the incident. Obtaining a copy of this report is key, as it can contain the implications of fault and important details about the accident. Write down the names and badge numbers of any responding police officers, as they may be needed later.
Now that the police have arrived, you must exchange information with the other involved drivers. It is highly likely that these people will be angry and highly emotional during this time. Do your best to stay calm so that things do not get out of hand.
Record the following information:
While you are doing this, do not discuss the details of the crash. Anything you say can potentially be used against you, especially seemingly innocent comments such as “I’m sorry,” or “I didn’t see you.” These can be seen as an admission of fault, making you liable for the crash before an investigation has taken place. The only people you should speak with about the crash should be the police and your attorney.
After a car accident, negotiating with insurance companies can be an uphill battle. If you have been hurt in a car accident in Kansas, retaining the services of a highly skilled attorney can be invaluable to maximizing your chances of securing fair compensation for your injuries. At Roger Fincher Attorney at Law, our lawyers have handled thousands of cases and can use their expertise to negotiate with insurance providers on your behalf. Protecting your rights is our top priority, and we are prepared to do everything we can to help you get through this difficult time as smoothly as possible.
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